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Group Gift Exchange Ideas

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On occasions when multiple gifts will be given to a group of people, the possibility of spending more on some gifts than others or choosing items that won't be appreciated may influence how you approach a shopping trip. Instead of shopping at various retailers, choose one gift boutique and follow some unique gift exchange plans.

The Merchandise And The Budget

Seek a gift shop that markets a wide range of personal products, housewares, jewelry, and edible items. The merchandise should be suitable for all genders and the age of everyone who is on your gift list.

Determine how much money you have to spend and allocate some of the funds for gift wrap, cards, and bows. Deduct the amount that you will be spending on the extra essentials that are needed to prepare the gifts. Divide the remaining amount of money by the number of gift recipients on your list. This final figure will be how much money you can spend on each person.

The Shopping Process

If you will be handing out a series of gifts at the same time and it is likely that each gift recipient will be purchasing gifts for you, let each person know about your budget and the proposed amount that you plan on spending on each person. This will alleviate any worries that someone may have about spending a lot more or less than you intend to.

Offer to shop on the same day as the others, if you think that everyone will benefit by making one visit to the same gift shop. Research the boutique and write down a list of items that appeal to you prior to heading to the store. Refer to this list if you have trouble finding items that you think that each person will like.

Gift Exchange Options

A grab bag exchange will add a bit of allure to the gift giving process and will provide each person with the opportunity to select each wrapped item that they would like to open. If you choose to prepare some grab bags, purchase a wide range of items and several types of wrapping paper that will make the collection of gifts look appealing.

If you would like to conceal the presents until it is time for the recipients to open them, use a number system to determine who will receive each gift. Number the presents and prepare some paper numbers. Place the numbers in a hat. After everyone selects a number, hand out the gifts.

For more information on gift options, contact a gift shop.
